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The Question of Unification
送交者: c_y_lo 2014年08月17日06:45:52 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

The Weight Reduction of Charged Capacitors, Charge-Mass Interaction and Einstein Unification

C. Y. Lo

The Biefeld-Brown (B-B) effect consists of two parts: 1) the initial thrust is due to the electric potential that moves the electrons to the positive post; and 2) the subsequent lift is due to the separate concentration of the positive and the negative charges. The weight reduction of a charged capacitor is due to a repulsive charge-mass interaction, which is normally cancelled by the attractive current-mass interaction. In a charged capacitor, some electrons initially moving in the orbits become statically concentrated and thus a net repulsive force is exhibited. Based on observations, it is concluded that a repulsive charge-mass interaction is proportional to the charge density square and diminishes faster than the attractive gravitational force, and that the current-mass force is perpendicular to the current. This charge-mass interaction is crucial to establish the unification of electromagnetism and gravitation. The electromagnetic energy is not equivalent to mass since the electromagnetic energy-stress tensor is traceless. However, general relativity implies that the photonic energy is equivalent to mass and the photons must include gravitational energy. To confirm general relativity further, experimental verification of the details of this mass-charge repulsive force, which shows the non-equivalence of mass and electric energy, is recommended. It is crucial to understand non-linear mathematics and that the Einstein equation has no bounded dynamic solutions. Following Einsteins errors, theorists failed in understanding and ignored experimental facts on repulsive gravitation. Since the charge-mass interaction occurs in many areas of physics, Einsteins unification is potentially another revolution in physics. Moreover, the existence of a repulsive gravitation implies the necessity of re-justifying anew the speculation of black holes.

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