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17.14-17.16 二问黄沙惑 Second Ask of Yellow Sand Muddle
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17.14 二问黄沙惑 Second Ask of Yellow Sand Muddle


At the time, full life View-Sound Bodhisattva heard Arrival Ark’s majestic powers, sorrowful tears were dripping. She left her face up, wiped her tears, then addressed to Veda: Precious! Social Honor! Rare! Benevolent Renunciation! Today, Arrival Ark lectured by Thus-Come, pervasively benefits those aroused interest to the upmost vehicle, pervasively benefits those aroused interest to the most victorious vehicle. Social Honor! Since I borne intelligence, never heard this juristic door. Social Honor! If sentients, upon hearing the extremely profound classic sutra, bear factual thinks, should be known that they have achieved the most victorious rareness, wherein? Social Honor! Factual thinks factual thinks, Thus-Come said, aren’t thinks, therefore, Thus-Come said name of factual thinks factual thinks. Social Honor! Today, I heard the juristic door, perceived, faithfully understood; this isn’t rare. In coming future, later hour, later minute, later 500 years, correct laws will extinct, if sentients on this profound juristic door, perceive, faithfully interpret, receive, hold, read, recite, finalize to with benefits, up to preaching and exemplifying to others broadly, accordingly making intentions, should know that they achieve the most victoriously rareness, wherein? Social Honor! Those sentients have no I think turning, no sentient think, no living think, no warrior think, no hobbyhorse think, no intent born think, no Abel think, no creator think, no acceptor think turning, wherein? Social Honor! Those I thinks are not thinks, those sentient think, living think, warrior think, hobbyhorse think, intent born think, Abel think, creator think, acceptor think, all are not thinks, wherein? All Buddha Social Honors left all thinks.


At the time, Social Honor told full life View-Sound: Thus! Thus! Benevolent Manifestation! Upon hearing the profound sutra typicality, sentients aren’t shocked, are fearless, have no horror, should know the achievement of the upmost victorious rareness, wherein?  Benevolent Manifestation! Thus-Come says the most victorious Arrival Ark, it is a saying of Arrival Ark. Benevolent Manifestation! Thus-Come said the most victorious Arrival Ark, limitless Buddha Social Honors propagated commonly, therefore, it is named as Most Victorious Arrival Ark. Thus-Come says that Most Victorious Arrival Ark isn’t Arrival Ark, therefore, Thus-Come says name of Most Victorious Arrival Ark.


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! Thus-Come says Countenance Ark that isn’t Countenance Ark, therefore, Thus-Come say name of Countenance Ark, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! In my past lives, I had been chopped into parts and flesh sliced by Song-Profit king. At that time, I had no I thinks, no sentient thinks, no living thinks, no warrior thinks, no hobbyhorse thinks, no intent born thinks, no Abel thinks, no creator thinks, no acceptor thinks, at that time, I have neither thinks nor non-thinks, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! At that time, if I have “I thinks”, I should have rageful think; at that time if I have sentient thinks, living thinks, warrior thinks, hobbyhorse thinks, intent born thinks, Abel thinks, creator thinks, and acceptor thinks, I should have rageful hatred thinks (annotation 2), wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Among my recalled past 500 lives (annotation 1), I had been self-famed as Countenancer. At that time, I had no I thinks, no sentient thinks, no living thinks, no warrior thinks, no hobbyhorse thinks, no intent born thinks, no Abel thinks, no creator thinks, no acceptor thinks; at that time, I have neither thinks nor non-thinks, therefore, Benevolent Manifestation! True Humans and Great Humans leave all thinks afar, to arouse “Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi” (i.e., Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Perception, which is a heart), don’t dwell on color initiating heart, don’t dwell on no-color initiating heart, don’t dwell on sound smell taste touch law and accordingly initiating heart, don’t dwell on non-sound non-smell non-taste non-touch non-law and accordingly initiating heart. True Humans dwell on non-dwelling to arouse their hearts, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! If there is something to reside on, then that is improper dwelling, therefore, Thus Come says, True Humans should have non-dwelling to donate; shouldn’t dwell on color sound smell taste touch law to donate.







Annotation 17.14-1, author believes that author of this article is Moses, is Adam in godly trinity (as shown in the illustration), the golden boy. Ancient and modern time, worldwide, there always are people redo their stories, therefore Shakyamuni (only this type of Buddha) has many past and future lives. So how can he recall a past life (of someone else's life)? He may read or heard about it, and when talking he said that I remembered it.



Annotation 17.14-2, as shown in Figure 17.14-2-4, Moses was injured by Kubaba’s “five hundred majesties and eighteen thousand charms” (alias Woman Skins), and then he fell into serious mental illness (that is, he had entered hell), accompanied by symptoms of gastrointestinal ulcer and dyspnea etc. Ancient Sumerian used that Kubaba put Moses into her “Soul Detention Bottle” to show Moses’ dyspnea, as shown in Figure-6. The lion in Figure-5 shows that Moses hates Kubaba and wants to eat her flesh. Figure-1 shows the Egyptian Eve put the Egyptian Adam (lion) into her Soul Detention Bottle (but in that picture, the two bottles means her and Adam’s knowledge). Figure-3 is Mexican Eve trapped Tlaloc (Adam) and bound him with a rope. In Figure-2, a hand covers Tlaloc's nose, indicating that he has a breathing disorder.


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! True Humans and Great Humans broadly do welfare for all sentients, should like this to abandon, to renounce, and to broadly donate, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Sentient thinks are exactly non-thinks. All sentient beings, Thus Come says, aren’t sentient beings. Benevolent Manifestation! Thus-Come is factual language speaker, is truthful language speaker, is a speaker of behaviors accord with speaking, doesn’t speak strange to attract audiences.


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! Thus-Come earlier said, laws proved, or laws spoken, or laws had been thought over, all are neither truths nor illusions. Benevolent Manifestation! Such as a civilian enters a dark room, sees nothing. True Human should know: if falling into affair, saying of falling in affair and to donate, exactly like that. Benevolent Manifestation! Such as a keen eye civilian sees lights at dawn; True Human should know, not falling in affair, saying of not falling into affair and to donate, just like this.


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! Such as a benevolent man or faithful woman on the juristic door, accepts holds reads recites finalizes to connection with benefits, and broadly preaches and exhibits, accordingly, makes intentions, the dos is that Thus-Come is all knowing humans by Vedic intelligence, is that Thus-Come is all seeing humans by its Vedic eye, is that Thus-Come is all perceiving humans. Thus, all sentient beings like that, should bear boundless fortunate aggregates.

17.15 持经功德 Virtuous Merits of Holding the Sutra


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! Such as a pair of benevolent man and faithful woman, dawn, donate Tigris River sand-grains number of their own body parts; noon time again, donate Tigris River sand-grains number of their own body parts; dusk time again, donate Tigris River sand-grains number of their own body parts. By the juristic door, the couple continues such dos throughout three great A-Monk-Index Catastrophes. In another case, upon hearing this juristic door like, not bearing slanders, even for this very cause, the sentient being bears more fortunate aggregates than the earlier innumerable times; nevertheless, whoever in the juristic door reaches finalization fully, writes, accepts, holds, reads, recites, finalizes to benefits, and broadly preaching and exemplifying to others, making intentions accordingly!


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! This juristic door is unfathomable, unmeasurable, should put hope on unfathomableness induced mutant mature fruit (1). Benevolent Manifestation! Thus-Come preaching this like juristic door, is desiring to prosperously benefit sentients who are interested to the uppermost vehicle, is desiring to prosperously benefit sentients who are interested to the most victorious vehicle. Benevolent Manifestation!  Such as a human on the juristic door, accepts, holds, reads, recites, finalizes to benefits, and broadly preaches and exemplifies, accordingly makes intentions, that is that all knowing are humans by Vedic intelligence, is that Thus-Come all seeing are humans by its Vedic eye, is that Thus-Come all perceiving are humans. Thus, all sentient beings achieve boundless fortunate aggregates; all should achieve unfathomable unmeasurable boundaryless fortunate aggregates. Benevolent Manifestation! Thus, all sentients are shouldering Upmost Correct-equality Correct-Enlightenment, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! This like juristic door isn’t those inferior low sentients can hear, can faithfully interpret; not those who obsess I view, not those who obsess sentient view, not those who obsess living view, not those who obsess warrior view, not those who obsess hobbyhorse view, not those who obsess intent born view, not those who obsess Abel view, not those who obsess creator view, not those who obsess acceptor view can hear. Those like, saying they can accept, hold, read, recite, finalize to benefits, and broadly preach and exemplify, accordingly make intentions, doesn’t make sense.


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! If wherever places dwellings hear this typical sutra, those places or buildings should be commonly fed, worshiped, and walked right around like Vedic temples by mundane skies, humans, and asuras, etc.


Annotation 17.15-1, correct equality light, that is short for non-upper correct-equality correct-perception (Sanskrit, Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi), is a mutant mature fruit (refers to section 11.6.1, and 16.1).

17.16 能净业障 Able to Remove Karmic Hindrance


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! Such as a benevolent man or faithful woman, on the typical sutra can accept, hold, read, recite, finalize to benefits, up to preach and exemplify to others, make intents accordingly, if he or she should suffer light retribution, then suffers extremely light retribution, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Those sentients’ past life accumulated maculate karmas, should induce ferocious interests, due to presently experience light destruction, all maculate karmas have been eliminated, should gain Non-upper Correct-Equality Enlightenment, wherein?


Benevolent Manifestation! I recalled past innumerable catastrophes, had served a billion Buddhas, I all hadn’t transgression always. Benevolent Manifestation! I had served a billion Buddhas, I all hadn’t transgression always (annotation 1). If sentients, later hours, later minutes, later 500 years, at the time correct laws will extinct, on the classic sutra, accept, hold, read, recite, finalize to benefits, up to preach and exemplify to others broadly, make intents accordingly. Benevolent Manifestation! My earlier fortunate aggregates compare to theirs, not a thousandth, not a millionth, less than a billionth, less than a number division, I can’t catch up them even in metaphysical division.


Benevolent Manifestation! If I fully detail at that time that benevolent man woman born and assimilated fortunate aggregates, some sentients may be impeded and become bewildered, therefore, Benevolent Manifestation! Thus-come said this juristic door is unfathomable, unmeasurable, should put hope on unfathomableness induced mutant mature fruit.



Annotation 17.16-1, this is talking about four juristic quadrants (refers to section 11.1 of Life Tree). Buddha means perception, bodily soil, roughly is third juristic quadrant. Fourth juristic quadrant is immaculate part of unconscious, can’t be directly perceived, is memoryless, is God-sense. Here, Buddha represents God, to speak as God-sense, so he says, “fourth juristic quadrant always verifies third juristic quadrant” as “I had served a billion Buddhas, I all hadn’t transgression always”. The laws that fourth juristic quadrant uses to verify third quadrant are Covenant Ark (refers to section 16.2), which is also called Full Precepts, Precept Ark, is man’s “3,000 majesties 84,000 enchantments”, and woman’s “500 majesties 108,000 charms”.

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