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送交者: kboring 2007年03月16日15:02:01 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话


It is a bit unfortunate to see that China is still recruiting such inexperienced investigator to run key operation.

Xiang, Rong is listed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Immunology in the Scripp. However, he does not seem to be independent. I don’t see how a person without such experience could run any medical school in this world in the capacity of Dean. Judging from his publication, I will say that he is a mediocre postdoctoral fellow in the top institutions of US and must be promoted internally without vigorous competition.

As most of you may know, the Scripp is one of very few US institutes which still keep old Germany education system: A senior professor is allowed to run a large lab or department with “dependent” junior faculty under him/her. Junior faculty does/do not have own research direction and usually do not have their own funding but are largely dependent on the funding from the institute or from senor professor. Xiang, Rong is dependent on Ralph Reisfeld, a senior professor. In this context, it will not be surprise to see that most of Xiang, Rong’s paper has Reisfeld’s name as senior author. It will also not surprise that Reisfeld lists Xiang, Rong as his lab member (http://www.scripps.edu/imm/reisfeld/person.htm). I did not investigate but I am sure that Xiang, Rong does not have significant funding to be independent.

When I say it is unfortunate to see this, I don’t have my personal feeling attached. My intention is not to attack him personally. The issue here is that China is still not capable of recruiting true leaders in each field to run top notch operation. My purpose is to use this as an example to say that China’s research is booming but it still has a long way.


南开大学新任医学院院长 中国博士 Scripps研究所助理教授

向 荣 男, 1958年3月14日生,教授,博士生导师
Email: r_xiang@yahoo.com


■ 主要学历
1989.07-1992.07 上海第二医科大学细胞生物学与实验核医学系,获医学科学博士学位(Ph.D. Degree)
1986.07-1989.07 重庆医科大学临床生物化学专业,获硕士学位
1978.02-1982.02 重庆医科大学,获学士学位

■ 主要工作经历
2004.7至今 重庆医科大学第二临床学院 教授 博士生导师
2001.5-2004.6 美国Scripps研究中心免疫系,Assistant Professor
1999.5-2001.5 美国Scripps研究中心免疫系资深博士后
1996.5-1999.5 美国Scripps研究中心免疫系博士后
1992.7-1996.5 上海医科大学 助教、副教授

■ 荣誉和奖励
2001 获92届全美肿瘤年会杰出青年科学家奖(AACR-Ortho-Janssen Scholar awarded by the American Association for Cancer Research, Inc.)
1992 无药碱对β-肾上腺素受体作用的研究,获中华人民共和国卫生部的奖励

■ 学术兼职
2000-至今 美国免疫学会会员
1996-至今 美国肿瘤协会会员
1992-1996 中国免疫学会会员
1984-1996 中国生物化学学会会员

■ 主要研究方向:肿瘤免疫治疗研究
■ 主要学术成绩
向荣博士曾为重庆医科大学优秀的学士和硕士毕业生,在上海第二医科大学获得博士学位后,曾任上海医科大学免疫系助教,副教授及系副主任等职。1996年起在世界著名的医学研究中心-Scripps Research Institute从事基因疫苗抗肿瘤免疫的研究,并进行了大量的具有开创性的研究工作,共有数十篇论文发表在PNAS、CANCER RESEARCH以及Journal of Immunology等世界权威杂志上。由于在肿瘤研究领域杰出的工作成就,在2001年第92届全美肿瘤年会上被授予杰出青年科学家称号,并由大会执行主席Dr.Foti亲授证书。2004年7月回重庆医科大学病毒性肝炎研究所/省部共建感染性疾病分子生物学教育部重点实验室工作。在国外期间所做的有开创性的工作主要在以下三个方面:(1)构建基因工程抗体细胞因子(KS 1/4-IL-2)融合蛋白,并进行了一系列抗直肠癌、肝癌的体内外动物实验,以及相关的肿瘤生物学,免疫学机理的研究。该工作已在美国进入一期临床实验。(2)创建了以肿瘤和CD40三聚体配基融合蛋白为基础的抗消化道肿瘤的裸DNA疫苗。(3)建立并提出了肿瘤疫苗的新概念,即通过DNA疫苗诱导新生肿瘤血管内皮细胞的程序性死亡和细胞毒T细胞的抗瘤效应。 回国后,开展肝癌、乳腺癌的DNA治疗性疫苗和肿瘤分子标志物研究,先后承担2项国家自然科学基金,参加任红教授博士生课题组,指导博士生8人。

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