Man, who will believe you if you cannot GET your missing wife back? For a person without basic credit (you could NOT even take care your family), nobody is going to trust you.(评:这句话语法和逻辑非常“高明”!) You are done (评:他的WIFE是否MISSIN我不确定;这里有个词MISSING则是肯定的!)in this country, man!
You insist(这个词准确!中国腔!) that you are not a Chinese but the only language you use is Chinese in this forum and your English sucks!
your missing wife back? For a person without basic credit (you can even take care (看,他连TAKE CARE 也会用呢!) your family), nobody is going (看,用得多好呀!)to trust you. You are done in this country, man!
We all understand why you hate Chinese so much, because your wife found a lover who is Chinese.
Let me suggest a way to revenge: you could go back China (if you have enough money to buy a round trip ticket, don't you (看,连DON'T YOU也会用,而且用得这么准确!)), try to charm a woman (这是ENGLISH还是CHINGLISH?)with your "non-Chinese citizenship", if you have any, and try to convince (ENGLISH 还是CHINGLISH?) one of hookers to marry you.
评点:这个“对象”在一个帖子里指出我只用中文,不用英文,所以,认定我不是外国人。 我告诉他,我是越南人,要我用越南文吗?
我要告诉他,我英文非常有限,写不成句,但没吃过猪肉,还见过猪跑。上面的“英文”,怎么看都象是“中文”呀!这种“英文”,英语国家的人看得“呃心”,中国人看得舒心。我写不出象这个对象这样的“英文”来, 我永远也达不到这个“程度”。
呸! 我晚饭都要吐出来了!