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送交者: xpt 2009年01月23日09:12:03 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
Another day and three events: One innocent life cut short by a brutal killing in Virginia Tech; President Obama's inaugural speech was censored by the Chinese government; and my post was removed by 版主 from this forum. There are isolated incidents but with something in common: they all caused by Chinese and they all happened in a abrupt way by "eliminating" what they do not want to see. The 博士 cut the girls' throat decapitated her. The 版主 removed my posts and other posts following it completelely without a trace. The Chinese government deleted "Communist" and "corrupted" from Obama's speech. Friends, this is what the Chinese are. Do you want a world dominated by Chinese tomorrow? (This is my last post in this forum and last visit to this forum.)
  你和杀人博士有共通之处 - reck 01/23/09 (207)
  人一到北美就爱砍头?加拿大张伟光在长途大巴上...  /无内容 - wahaha 01/23/09 (287)
  中国删你的帖子,外国人好揍你这个人,蠢货  /无内容 - aa88 01/23/09 (261)
  Support! - zmzdotus 01/23/09 (202)
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