其实不用我再出手,鲁重贤已经被知名物理学家Hooft揭批了。Hooft写道:【Mr. L. makes this claim, and now he basically refers to a paper that he once managed to get published in a refereed journal. It is clear to me that the referee in question must have been inattentive. It happens more often that incorrect papers appear in refereed journals... false papers are simply being ignored, and so is this one; it is not being referred to by professional scientists (Spires mentions only one reference that is not by the author himself).】
简言之,鲁重贤的论文已经被确定为伪作( false paper),这篇伪作早已被科学界忽略。
鲁重贤在一篇“论文”中写道:“a newly discovered force from the sun. We show that such a force would be due to a charge - mass interaction, which is based on general relativity. For a charge q and another particle of mass m, the static repulsive force is derived to be q2m/r3, where r is the distance between them.” (其连接在http://www.cqfyl.com/pdf/lu2.pdf )。
网上找到一篇1982年一个以色列人写的论文 (C. L. Pekeris, June 14, 1982 Proc. NatL Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 79, pp. 6404-6408, October 1982)。连接在http://www.pnas.org/content/79/20/6404.full.pdf 其中的方程62,给出了牛顿近似下的一个带电物体的势的详细推导,其中含一项为 -1/2G MQ^2/r^2。这一项取梯度就是鲁重贤论文中的r^-3排斥力(鲁的文中没有推导过程)。
对此,鲁重贤的回应是:“This article and mine have nothing in common.” (see education/bbsviewer.php?btrd_id=1817595&btrd_trd_id=610681).
另外,我随便找了一本相对论的课本:General Relativity -An Introduction for Physicists by M.P. Hobson 等,在该书的12.6节给出了带电球对称物体的度规。12.8节给出了一个粒子在该引力场径向运动的方程(该书的方程12.52),此方程与鲁重贤称 为"charge-mass"作用的结果相同。
鲁重贤不过是抄袭、剽窃前人的公式,给它们打上与自己的文章"have nothing in common"的标签,就号称是发现了新的“电-质”相互作用,企图蒙骗世人。其实稍微有点脑子的都应该知道,鲁重贤的结果如果有任何新意,应该被发表在相关的peer review的科学刊物上。但正如Hooft所言,鲁的false paper以前能够发表,不过是因为评委一时的疏忽。