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A generalization of quantum theory
送交者: jingchen 2019年05月31日09:59:41 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

A generalization of quantum theory 

Quantum phenomena are supposed to be significant only for tiny objects. But many clues suggest that quantum theory may be valid for broader areas.

When we solve Schrodinger equation, we can see that the existence of solutions does not depend on the size of Planck’s constant.

Uncertainty principle was supposed to belong to the exclusive domain of the subatomic world. However, it is a general principle between location and frequency, which can be derived from Fourier analysis. 

Mathematical methods originated from quantum mechanics find applications in very broad areas in life science and social science.

All these indicate quantum theory can be extended to more general domains. The idea has lingered in my mind for many years.

Awhile ago, I saw some papers by Cao Yi on the quantum theory of solar system. This stimulates me to think more about quantum theory. The result is summarized into a paper.

Currently, all quantum theories are tied to Planck’s constant. I derived Planck’s constant from electron’s movement in hydrogen atom. This suggests Planck’s constant corresponds to small systems. Larger systems have their own corresponding constants.


A generalization of quantum theory 


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