We the People of the Republic |
送交者: 大坏人!嘿嘿 2021年01月09日05:19:13 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话 |
We the People of the Republic exercised our Constituents’ Power!!!!! over the Presidential Election of the States. 就是1.6的偉大成果。這個偉大成果不是選出敗燈,不是踢走每年只交$750的窮總統Trump。而是We, the People still firmly controlling the Sovereignty of our Country. (中華二手偽文化茅坑泡大的愚民懂看咩) |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
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2017: | Reminder to Trump | |
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2016: | 美国简史五.历史创造者.富兰克林和华盛 | |
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