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送交者: 1456 2006年09月02日17:53:44 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

1, 赛昆: 析“隐士”:佩雷尔曼声称证明几何化猜想,关键定理却三年交不出货。


2002 年11月到2003年3月,佩氏在网上公布了两篇文稿,声称他证明了瑟氏猜想(即几何化猜想),而庞猜只是瑟猜的特例,在第二篇文稿中,他预告要给出其中一个关键定理的证明。他很快就被邀请到美国演讲,或者流利地应答,或者指出其属枝节末流。四个月后,他又公布了第三篇网文,其内容全在于对庞猜的证明,而没有给出他预告过的证明。以上事实可见维基英文版perelman条目、佩氏的文稿and/or人民网文章 scitech.people.com.cn/GB/25509/4458774.html

数学家们对他的牛皮半信半疑,因为他的证明缺了很多细节,并有些不正确和不完整的地方,关键的定理7.4还给出了多余的条件 (见Kleiner & Lott)。更为奇怪的,是佩氏在第二篇文章中预告要给出该定理的证明,却至今没见有货。去年,两位日本数学家Shioya和Yamaguchi给出了该定理“弱版” 的证明,他们的初稿曾被佩氏指出其一个错误。由此可见,佩氏一直在关注着该定理。

从上面的事实,俺的推测是:佩氏在美国讲解时,在人们的提问中发现定理7.4并非“枝节末流” 。当时他的东西才公布一个月,没人看出这个破绽。他赶忙回俄,贴出了第三篇文章,给出了庞猜证明的纲要(outline, 不是证明,维基的捧场文章也是这么介绍的) ,但却没给出他预告过的定理7.4的证明。此前八年他是潜心攻关的隐士,从那以后,他就是不敢见人的“隐士” 了。如果别人问他要定理7.4的证明,他如何回答?答不出来不就露馅了吗?这家伙死要面子活受罪,连菲奖都不敢去领。

曹朱和KL的论文给出了更重要的几何化猜想的证明,他们的证明都绕过了定理7.4,改用2005年才问世的“弱版” ,都引用很多2003年以后发表的文章。由此可见,佩氏的头两篇文稿完全是为了抢时间,错漏百出(小错大错都有,KL指出了些小错,交不了货是大错),占了个位子,别人证出来了功劳就是他的,证不出来就是别人没看懂,还能蒙上大群人或真或假或内行或外行在捧,真是一“隐”遮百丑了。

2, 送交者: 1456 2006年9月01日08:46:08 于 [教育与学术]http://www.bbsland.com
回 答: We hope, ...Let's wait to see. 由 TwoWords 于 2006年9月01日05:30:14:

In the official statement by ICM regarding to Perelman's Fields Medal, it didn't say Perelman "Proved" Poincare conjecture.

Citation: "for his contributions to geometry and his revolutionary insights into the analytical and geometric structure of the Ricci flow"

See the difference?

Perelman promised in his 2003 talks at MIT and Stony Brook that he would write 4 papers total to give a complete proof. But finally, only 3.

What is missing? Theorem 7.4 !!!

Why didn't Perelman give a detailed and complete proof? He couldn't.

3, Perelman's blow

送交者: curios9 2006年9月01日16:11:56 于 [教育与学术]http://www.bbsland.com
回 答: But, please note 由 1456 于 2006年9月01日08:46:08:

As what I said two days ago. This might be the starting point that
Perelman decided to withdraw. As these two Japanese wrote their paper
possibly before May 2003, he felt that it is not necessary for him to
give out the proof of theorem 7.4 and even he did it after Yamaguchi
he might not be able to publish it.

Then Colding's paper--boom!

Lott's and Tian's --boom, boom.

Then he lost job ---boomba.

Finally, Cao-Zhu and Yau's last straw.

Anyway, as Kefeng said, he opened the gold mine---that was a heavenly
blow to the mathematics. He got his metal because of it!
I mean, if everything could be corrected!

The funny thing was that he was HUMBLED as Weil was HUMBLED in 1994 althought
he proved the Fermat last theorem!

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