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Why Criticize Shaw Prizes 鲁重贤
送交者: c_y_lo 2012年07月22日13:06:48 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

Why I Criticize Some Shaw Prizes                       by    C. Y. Lo (鲁重贤)

People asked me why I criticized some Shaw Prizes. My answer is simply that I have to.

I informed the Shaw Prize Committee on the past problems of the prizes because they are related to the area of research that I have spend over 20 years; and thus I would be questioned even if I do not respond directly. This is why I responded to the Shaw Prize Committee as well as the Nobel Prize Committee. In the case of the Shaw Prize Committee, it started from my discussions with Professor C. N. Yang on Professor Zhou Pei-Yuan's view on general relativity. Now, it is clear that Professor Zhou is right, but Professor Yang is wrong starting from the Yang-Mills-Shaw theory.

        Besides, I have been educated in Hong Kong and would like to see that the Shaw Prize would have a better name as time gone by. Right now, unfortunately the incompetence of the Shaw Prize Committee in certain areas is clear for everybody to see. An error in sciences usually cannot be covered up for long although there are some exceptions. In my opinion, it would be better if the errors of the Shaw Prize Committee are discovered by some one who has been educated in Hong Kong.

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