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送交者: ggaimm 2013年10月20日20:52:53 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

國際著名的德國應用化學(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004年第36期發表Sachdev的讀者來信,題為Diamonds from the Pressure Cooker - Science or Science Fiction? 來信尖銳質疑中國科技大學錢逸泰院士,長江學者陳乾旺教授研究組的兩篇論文。陳乾旺在同一期發表有答辯。編輯Peter Gölitz 發表有編者按。

錢陳被質疑的兩篇論文有關金剛石(即鑽石)的合成,分別發表在美國化學會志J. Am. Chem. Soc. 20039302和德國應用化學Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 20034501上。兩篇論文內容幾乎一樣,同時投稿,同時發表,但沒有交叉引用。陳在答辯中對此道歉。



以往金剛石的人工合成條件十分苛刻,1400度高溫,十萬個大氣壓力。錢陳報道的合成方法則異乎尋常的簡單,440度,800個大氣壓力。 這是國際著名刊物和報章爭相報導的原因,也是大眾感興趣的原因,不曾想其中會有大問題。中國媒體去年曾強勢報導,中國的科研管理機構甚至說造出了1.2毫米尺寸的金剛石,不知有誰見證過那造的金剛石。質疑事件出來,中國科研管理機構該好好查查,以明真相。

附: Peter Gölitz 的編者按

Last year in Angewandte Chemie and in the Journal of the American Chemical Society Quianwang Chen et al. reported diamond syntheses from MgCO3-Na and CO2-(Li, Na, K), respectively.[1], [2] The authors have apologized for failing to cross-reference the papers and for manipulation of some of the data (see the second paragraph in the Correspondence from Z. Lou and Q. Chen on page 4700).

In addition, the results reported in both publications are heavily criticized by H. Sachdev in the Correspondence on page 4696:[3] The details of the reacti on conditions are not reported in sufficient detail for the work to be repeated and the characterizations (or even proof) of the final products are not with out doubt; furthermore, the characterization of intermediate products, important for the postulated reaction mechanism, is missing. Even if a diamond synthesis is, in principle, possible under the conditions presumably present in the reaction system used by Chen et al. then its actual realization remains doubtful. Chen and Lou give a series of arguments in their Reply[4] in order to support their diamond synthesis, however, they close with the comment we could produce diamonds from time to time in MgCO3-Na and CO2-(Li, Na, K) system (italicized by me), which naturally casts doubts about the reproducibility. Hopefully this Note and the two Correspondences[3], [4] will lead to a rapid resolution of the problem of whether or not diamonds can be prepared by the method of Chen et al.[1], [2].

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