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German Parliament: “Harvesting
送交者: 洗香香 2014月08月14日23:48:51 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Doubts cast on organ harvest c洗香香 于 2014-08-14 23:47:25

According to a report released by the Voice of Germany on November 9, 2012, Johannes Pflug, head of the German-Chinese Parliamentary Group, recently said in an interview by a journalist for SWR that the accusation about that China executed political offenders to harvest their organs was a groundless rumor


Johannes Pflug said, I think that was a groundless rumor. I had heard such rumors a few years ago. We had carried out corresponding investigations through our intelligence agencies. Our intelligence staff told me that we had not found evidence confirming such things despite the repeated emergence of such reports. I can be more specific to say that most of such rumors were spread by Falun Gong, but the rumors were entirely groundless.



Johannes Pflug


About Pflugs

Johannes Pflug, a member of social democratic party and a member of German Federal Parliament. His policy researches focus on Asian countries. Since 2005, he had been the head of the German-Chinese Parliamentary Group. He is also a member of diplomatic committee under the Federal Parliament.

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