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送交者: 米笑 2014年12月20日13:04:06 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话







Ability to balance on one leg may reflect brain health, stroke risk

Source: American Heart Associati


Struggling to stand on one leg for less than 20 seconds was linked to an increased risk for stroke, small blood vessel damage in the brain, and reduced cognitive function in otherwise healthy people, a study has shown. One-legged standing time may be a simple test used to measure early signs of abnormalities in the brain associated with cognitive decline, cerebral small vessel disease and stroke.

Researchers found that the inability to balance on one leg for longer than 20 seconds was associated with cerebral small vessel disease, namely small infarctions without symptoms such as lacunar infarction and microbleeds. They noted that:

·         34.5 percent of those with more than two lacunar infarction lesions had trouble balancing.

·         16 percent of those with one lacunar infarction lesion had trouble balancing.

·         30 percent of those with more than two microbleed lesions had trouble balancing.

·         15.3 percent one microbleed lesion had trouble balancing.

Overall, those with cerebral diseases were older, had high blood pressure and had thicker carotid arteries than those who did not have cerebral small vessel disease. However, after adjustment for these covariates, people with more microbleeds and lacunar infarctions in the brain had shorter one-legged standing times. Short one-legged standing times were also independently linked with lower cognitive scores.

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