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Aspirin: My personal experience
送交者: jingchen 2021年12月10日08:27:15 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话

Aspirin: My personal experience

Some years ago, I saw quite a lot of articles about aspirin. Many experts suggest that aspirin can help reduce the risk of heart attack. The consensus was very strong. I bought a bottle of aspirin and ate a tablet. The next day, my teeth bled when I brushed my teeth. I stop using aspirin. But I continue to see a lot of articles promoting the health benefits of aspirin. I thought I must be an outlier. Given such strong consensus, the majority of people must benefit from aspirin.

I just read an article from the Associated Press, which was originally published in 2018. The title of the article is Aspirin disappoints for avoiding first heart attack, stroke.  From  the title of the article,  you can guess its content. You can read it from the net if you are interested. Essentially, it said the harm caused by aspirin is greater than its benefit.

Aspirin is an old and popular drug. It has been around for more than a century. It is one of the most famous drugs. One would assume the experts really know a lot about it. One would assume the experts really know what they talk about. 

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