Deng followed Mao anti-China |
送交者: ccplie 2012月07月06日13:54:13 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話 |
回 答: 近期熱議一國兩制與香港回歸《鄧小平時代》 由 雨娜 於 2012-07-06 01:50:16 |
before 1949, he was against own motherland China, after 1976, he found Mao lost (more than 3000 wan death no food,...) and KMT made Taiwan modern
He now changed back to KMT road. He is also #1 corrupt, and he raped Beijing as Japan raped Nanjing Like a Dr gave a person wrong drugs, after he made the person sick, then used a new drug. Is he good? |
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