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Mérieux family
送交者: 果子狸 2021月05月02日05:39:39 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 疫苗,金錢與死亡,梅里歐家族的世紀魔咒果子狸 於 2021-05-02 05:37:54

The Mérieux family is an entrepreneurial dynasty from Lyon, France, owners of the Institut Mérieux holding, founders of companies such as Sanofi PasteurbioMérieux (in vitro diagnostics) and Mérial (veterinary activity), but also of the foundations Fondation Marcel-Mérieux and Fondation Christophe et Rodolphe Mérieux, of the Jean Mérieux P4 laboratory and of humanitarian organisation Bioforce.

The Mérieux family is an entrepreneurial dynasty from Lyon, France, owners of the Institut Mérieux holding, founders of companies such as Sanofi PasteurbioMérieux (in vitro diagnostics) and Mérial (veterinary activity), but also of the foundations Fondation Marcel-Mérieux and Fondation Christophe et Rodolphe Mérieux, of the Jean Mérieux P4 laboratory and of humanitarian organisation Bioforce.


  • Marcel Mérieux (1870–1937), ESCIL student in 1891, former assistant to Pasteur, founder in 1897 of Mérieux Biological Institute in Lyon (origins of the Institut Mérieux holding) in 1897 (now part of Sanofi Pasteur)

    • Alain Mérieux (1938-), doctor of pharmacy and entrepreneur, founder of bioMérieux.

    • Jean Mérieux, died in a car accident in 1994.

    • Niall Gillaume Mérieux (Duvall) (1991-), United States-France liaison of bioMérieux. The only male heir living out of France.

    • Christophe Mérieux (1967-2006), physician.

    • Rodolphe Mérieux (1969–1996), crash victim onboard TWA Flight 800.[1]

    • Alexandre Mérieux (1974-), administrator of the bioMérieux group.

    • Jean Mérieux, his elder son. Physician, died at 26 of tuberculosis-related meningitis contracted in the family laboratory.

    • Charles Mérieux (1907–2001), physician and entrepreneur. Founder of Fondation Marcel-Mérieux, humanitarian organisation Bioforce and P4 laboratory Jean Merieux.


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