Wei Liu, Democracy Promoter: 2 |
送交者: 普通百姓12 2023年11月27日21:54:46 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话 |
刘蔚, Wei Liu: 中共银行就是个大骗局
Wei Liu, Democracy Promoter: 2023 November: The Banks in Communist China Is a Big Hoax
民主人士/普通百姓/民人 刘蔚 2023年11月27日。
Wei Liu: 2023 November 27: The Banks in Communist China Is a Big Hoax
In China, all the banks are run by the Communist Party. Since 2023, Communist Banks have regulation that the customer has to get approval from the bank to withdraw money over 50,000 Chinese yuan, about 5,000 U. S. dollars. In other words, Communist Banks only acknowledge that people in China can withdraw 40,000 yuan, about 4,000 U. S. dollars, about for the life. Further, many Communist Banks have regulation that one can only withdraw up to 1,000 Chinese yuan, about 100 U. S. dollars, a day. Further, Communist Banks have regulation that one day only allow certain number of people to withdraw money. For example, if a bank sets up a day it only allows 50 people to withdraw money, and you are the 51st person to be in the line, then you have to come back the next day to withdraw money. Many people arrive at Communist Banks at 5:00 am and find the money-withdraw number of that day is out. There are people arriving there earlier than them, of course. So to withdraw 40,000 yuan, about 4,000 U. S. dollars in China, one has to arrive at the bank around 5:00 o’clock in the morning for 40 consecutive days, with each day withdrawing about 100 U. S. dollars. The money one puts in Communist Bank is not one’s money; it is the Communist Bank’s money. The banks in Communist China is a big hoax.
The end
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