2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-II(2017年鄉村娛樂籃球隊第二場比賽) |
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年06月09日13:33:34 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話 |
2017-01-13 【Aiden in English】 I am not a good basketball player. I never said I was. If one thing was to be highlighted in my game, it would be the defense. Okay, yeah, that’s what all bad players say, but it really is all I contribute to the team. In other words, the team carries me while I provide the support and occasionally three-point shot. Game One was a blowout win for us, which is great. But even with everything going with our way, the team hadn’t experienced coming from behind yet. The most recent game was played at BucksMont Indoor Sports Center, and it was going to be the only game of the season there. Why I have no clue. However, the issue with this center was the excessive heating. I understand that it’s January, and it is really cold outside, but is it necessary to have the heat up so high that you can sweat without exercising? The team had not yet felt the pressure or the threat of losing, which is why I thought this game was a great experience. The start was terrible. Turnovers plagued the offensive end, in which outside swing passes would be tipped or batted by the defenders. On defense, it was a different story. I believed we played overall very well, it just took some time to settle into the other team’s play style. At the start of the game, our coach Rob lectured us about how the other team was not much of a “team”, but more of a group of players. We preached about a passing offense constantly, while their team seemed to have a single-player touch the ball every time. The star player was around 5’11”-ish, rebounded like a monster and had a crossover jump-shot move that looked so natural. He also put up 22 in their last win. Game Two started off like he was about to reach thirty though. In the first quarter, he nailed 2 three’s and had a ton of rebounds, although somewhere just off lucky bounces. Yet we still hung around, being only down by four or five every possession. It wasn’t as if we weren’t scoring; the offensive shots were made pretty often. But the turnovers allowed most of the other team’s points. That’s why, entering the second half, our team was still optimistic. And the optimism drove us to victory, as we had a defensive shut-down in the second half, limiting their offense and the star player. Our point guards had some highlight plays, and the game ended with free throws and a proud smile on our coach’s face. This game was the one that we as a team learned from since for the first half, it was an uphill battle. It really tells us the true meaning of winning and the competitiveness of sports. 【紅霞譯文】 我不是什麼好籃球運動員,以前從未說過自己了不起,假如非要列舉比賽特長,那麼矬子裡拔將軍,防守恐怕算我個人拿手好戲,哦當然,糟糕的球員都自以為是,但防守的確是我效忠球隊最佳手段,換句話說,球隊指望我的只有助攻,冷不丁投個三分球。 第一場比賽我們大獲全勝,成績可賀可喜,但是因為境遇過於順暢,本隊球員無法預見將要面對一個怎樣的未來。 最近第二場球賽設在巴克士蒙哥馬利室內體育中心,這是本賽季唯一在那裡舉行的比賽,我也不知道究竟為啥,不過問題在於該體育館熱得像個蒸籠,儘管眼下正值一月份數九寒天,戶外冰凍三尺,但有必要把溫度調到不必鍛煉足以汗流浹背的程度嗎? 全隊球員尚未感到任何壓力或者面臨輸球的威脅,正因如此,我認為本次比賽將是考驗我們的一場硬戰。開局戰況可謂慘不忍睹,失誤打亂了自己進攻節奏,他們靠外圍傳球屢屢奏效,防守方面倒沒有出現這種局面。就整體發揮而言,大家表現得相當出色,只不過隊友們需要時間進入狀態。開賽前教練羅伯特給我們講解戰勢,與其說對方是一支“球隊”集體作戰,不如說是一幫人各自單幹;比賽期間我們不停地組織進攻,而他們每次好像只靠一名球員進球,這位主力身高70英寸/1.8米,籃板搶得兇猛,交叉跳投動作嫻熟自如。 他還一口氣為對方拿下了22分。 第二場比賽剛剛拉開序幕,該主力一手遮天大有獨吞卅分之勢。在第一節里,他先順利投進兩個三分球,爾後又搶到一堆籃板球,其中不乏天賜良機,球歪打正着反彈到他手中。幸虧我們咬牙挺住,每回爭到球時僅落後四、五分,其實不是我們不得分,相反本隊沒少進攻投籃,但對方攔截成功得以一路領先,這也是為什麼進入下半場比賽,我們全隊上下打得生龍活虎,依然保持樂觀態度。 樂觀主義幫助我們走向勝利,與此同時,下半場又加強防守,有效阻止對方進攻,並嚴密看死他們的大主力,我們的控球後衛也組織打出幾個漂亮回合,最後以罰球而結束比賽,這時教練的臉上露出了自豪的笑容。經過上半場考驗,我們全體同仁切身體會到勝利來之不易,競技運動離不開拼搏精神。 Today in History(歷史上的今天): 2011: 笑話小品(Skit) Crosslink(相關博文): |
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