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pro8 is about discrimination
送交者: no4pro8 2008月11月03日00:02:06 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 西岸:第8个是混蛋(6)西岸 于 2008-10-31 13:01:48
Pro8 is about discrimination. It is not just about your feelings.

Black was discriminated because the White was majority. If you read what they said, it was more about hate, discrimination, just like a lot of people's feeling now.

Chinese was discriminated in USA because they are different and minority.

Inter racial marriage was illegal in USA. It is also because discrimination, hate. It is because some "White" didn't understand why their "own" people married other group, and it still true, sad?

So now it is gay's turn to take this. 5% or more of the whole population are gay. Compared with more than 90%, they are minority. If you date back 100 years and change the history by voting to decide what is legal and what is illegal, then Chinese are still discriminated, inter racial marriage is illegal, black are still slave.

Church has it's own agenda to promote this hate.. It is more or less about money. According to their history, such as burning people because of acknowledging earth is round, declaring "slave is the gift from god"(of course they don't say it any more), supporting "segregation forever", supporting Iraq war ..., it is always against civilization and humanity.

So Pro8 is not just about marriage. It is about majority trying to take away minority's right. If you don't understand this minority group, it is not other people's fault. But if you want to take away their right, you can. But before you do it, think twice. It is not about if your son is going to be gay or not, it is not about if you like them or not. It is about humanity. Just like 50 years ago, some civilized people stood up and said it was not right. It is your turn.

By the way, in UK, France, Germany, Canada, Spain, gay are legal to get married.
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