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Think about this way
送交者: 888888 2008月11月19日20:17:29 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 我很不明白CEO的做法, 很莫名其妙穿墙屁 于 2008-11-19 19:25:35
CEO可以用它来欺骗一个新雇员 without issue any more shares, which will drive down the final stock price. That may impact the CEO's own shares total value, maybe not that much. The fact is that 印度 CEO was too cheap. Otherwise, he would just let Wu go in normal way and pay him about 7 weeks of servence money. If he careed about 7 weeks pay, you can be sure he was going to take that 80,000 shares valued about 1.6 million from Wu too.

He just thought that Wu would not able to do anything about it. Well, he did soemthing!
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