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thank you very much
送交者: NoWorry 2008月07月08日07:31:55 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 無憂,同你一樣,我也是很愛很愛美國的,Michelle1 於 2008-07-08 01:29:19
It is very normal to love America if you love to live in America and you have lived in America long enough. I don't mind at all that people have different ideas or do not understand what I say. It is perfectly fine as long as we can share our true feeling. I can always respect each other thouhg we may not agree on certain issues.

America is just so beautiful. It is nothing wrong to love a beauty. By the way, China is beautiful too, but I just love America better.

Once again thank you very much.
  You are welcome. - Michelle1 07/09/08 (108)
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