我不同意啊, |
送交者: yfch 2009月01月15日14:26:28 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 我觉得你的文章有误导之嫌。 由 arendt 于 2009-01-15 14:10:50 |
但是,看这一段,可能还有别的原因: "A spokeswoman for the state Division of Youth and Family Services, Kate Bernyk, said she would not comment on any specific case, but she said the state would not remove children from a home simply because of their names." 至于店员的反应,我就觉得合情合理。除非真是dumbass, 否则父母在给小孩起这样的名字,公众的反应当是意料之中,没理由扮天真无辜。 Thank you! |
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