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Thanks. My understanding is
送交者: 大壞人!嘿嘿 2020月03月25日13:58:06 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: our immune system can handlepifu01 於 2020-03-25 13:01:49

similar to yours. I am amassing some people for a movement. I need to know exactly the what I am talking about when dealing with a pro. in bio-tech. In nuclear and other confidential industries pros. The big V mouths are more easy and much better in misleading the public as a whole. Especially misleading the public with main stream news medias.  Its because some one needs to have at least 8 years of compactible education back grounds in order to recognize a pro. terminology or trade word we are talk about. And they don't have to recognize these pro. words. A big mouth with high vocal pitch will be more than enough to brain wash the Mongloyes.

  8 years brain washing does not - 綠野仙人 03/25/20 (75)
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