英国今天发生恐袭,三死三伤,你知道吗? |
送交者: 果子狸 2020月06月21日14:11:57 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 伦敦民众集会支持川普 由 cnoversea 于 2020-06-21 13:54:42 |
Three people died in the attack, and another three were seriously injured. Two of the injured people have been discharged and one remains in hospital, although the injuries are not thought to be life-threatening. |
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一周回复热帖 |
历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
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2019: | 历史是过去的,未来正在路上 | |
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2017: | 同鞋们好。最近有神么重大新闻?床铺通 | |
2017: | 哈哈,篱笆如媒体劣行不改,继续释放西 | |
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2015: | 紫荆棘鸟:闲聊几句郭汉英(上) | |
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