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送交者: 巨氓 2021月01月20日19:26:16 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 笑掉大牙! 今後老唐或許也會像道爾那樣去為中國利益遊說?巨氓 於 2021-01-20 18:12:32

Fmr. US Sen. Bob Dole now lobbying for Chinese-owned chemical firm

MAY 13, 2020 

Former Republican Sen. Bob Dole has registered as a lobbyist on behalf of Wanhua Chemical (America) Co., Ltd., a Texas-based chemical company that is a subsidiary to its Chinese parent company Wanhua Chemical Group Co. Ltd.


Dole’s role in the lobbying was disclosed in a disclosure form filed by the law-firm Alston & Bird. The firm has reported it is being paid $150,000 to lobby on behalf of the Chinese company in the first quarter of 2020, on “Issues related to U.S. Trade Investment Policy.”

The form further disclosures, “To the extent that Wanhua Chemical (America) Co., Ltd. realizes any benefit from legislative or executive action, so, too, would its parent company, Wanhua Chemical Group Co. Ltd.”

Yantai Guofeng Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., a wholly Chinese state-owned entity, acts as the Wanhua Chemical Group’s largest shareholder, holding 21.59% of its shares, according to a translated Chinese government asset disclosure document. Yantai Guofeng Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. appears to be a business entity of the Yantain municipal government in the Chinese province of Shandong.

Dole, 96, is a former U.S. Senator and World War II veteran, having served with the U.S. Army’s 10th Mountain Division. His name is perhaps among the most prominent of those listed in Alston & Bird’s disclosure form.

        農的熱狗在毛左嘴裡難道還不夠暖和!  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (55)
          你那裡更雨露滋潤,還能讓恐龍復活。  /無內容 - 魯迅九 01/20/21 (67)
            那裡指的是附近的西石槽7號公共廁所,農索性搬進去吧。  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (63)
              難道你那裡是西石槽7號公共廁所?  /無內容 - 魯迅九 01/20/21 (54)
                這個農得當面請教西石槽7號,我不便介入農和她的私事。  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (58)
                  原來是人家的地盤,咋你又有能支配呢?你偷了人家的產權證?你把 - 魯迅九 01/20/21 (70)
                    上個公共廁所都需要出示產權證?習近平的中國太偉大了。  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (57)
                      你家的廁所也有門牌號碼?但不知你家廁所註冊沒有?  /無內容 - 魯迅九 01/20/21 (56)
                        農家的有,我家的沒有。  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (52)
                          另外,你家廁所沒門牌不等於你有權給人家的廁所按上門牌,你懂不 - 魯迅九 01/20/21 (62)
                            農搞錯了,農家廁所上的門牌不是我安的。  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (64)
                          你那裡的農村特別,住宅沒有門牌,但其廁所卻有門牌  /無內容 - 魯迅九 01/20/21 (50)
                            這習近平領導下的中國農村有點像個花花世界嘛!  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (67)
                              如今的中華農村都城鎮化了,特別是浙江海寧、嘉興一帶的農村非常 - 魯迅九 01/20/21 (67)
                                “中華農村”具有門牌號碼的農家廁所一定很氣派。  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (96)
                                  你們家用帶門牌號的廁所樣式裝潢一定勝過白宮,你也一定會因此比 - 魯迅九 01/20/21 (54)
                                    假如以後真會裝一個,考慮取名: 蹲上習近平。  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (66)
                                      你一定要寫上拜登的名字,讓你拉屎放屁也想着拜登,否則,你失去 - 魯迅九 01/20/21 (55)
                                        我只有蹲在習近平身上才拉得出來。  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (60)
                                          你進中南海試過了?你沒被送到精神病院?  /無內容 - 魯迅九 01/20/21 (63)
                                            是他來的,農不信去問他。  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (50)
                                              你住在中南海他隔壁?  /無內容 - 魯迅九 01/20/21 (67)
                                                農開車把他送來的。  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (60)
                                                  這隻有在你不吃藥時候才能實現  /無內容 - 魯迅九 01/20/21 (42)
                                                    一個電話農倆就來了。  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (43)
                                                      前提是你沒吃藥  /無內容 - 魯迅九 01/20/21 (52)
                                                        農吃藥了,  /無內容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (47)
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