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送交者: 巨氓 2021月01月20日19:26:16 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 笑掉大牙! 今后老唐或许也会像道尔那样去为中国利益游说?巨氓 于 2021-01-20 18:12:32

Fmr. US Sen. Bob Dole now lobbying for Chinese-owned chemical firm

MAY 13, 2020 

Former Republican Sen. Bob Dole has registered as a lobbyist on behalf of Wanhua Chemical (America) Co., Ltd., a Texas-based chemical company that is a subsidiary to its Chinese parent company Wanhua Chemical Group Co. Ltd.


Dole’s role in the lobbying was disclosed in a disclosure form filed by the law-firm Alston & Bird. The firm has reported it is being paid $150,000 to lobby on behalf of the Chinese company in the first quarter of 2020, on “Issues related to U.S. Trade Investment Policy.”

The form further disclosures, “To the extent that Wanhua Chemical (America) Co., Ltd. realizes any benefit from legislative or executive action, so, too, would its parent company, Wanhua Chemical Group Co. Ltd.”

Yantai Guofeng Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., a wholly Chinese state-owned entity, acts as the Wanhua Chemical Group’s largest shareholder, holding 21.59% of its shares, according to a translated Chinese government asset disclosure document. Yantai Guofeng Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. appears to be a business entity of the Yantain municipal government in the Chinese province of Shandong.

Dole, 96, is a former U.S. Senator and World War II veteran, having served with the U.S. Army’s 10th Mountain Division. His name is perhaps among the most prominent of those listed in Alston & Bird’s disclosure form.

        农的热狗在毛左嘴里难道还不够暖和!  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (55)
          你那里更雨露滋润,还能让恐龙复活。  /无内容 - 鲁迅九 01/20/21 (67)
            那里指的是附近的西石槽7号公共厕所,农索性搬进去吧。  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (63)
              难道你那里是西石槽7号公共厕所?  /无内容 - 鲁迅九 01/20/21 (54)
                这个农得当面请教西石槽7号,我不便介入农和她的私事。  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (58)
                  原来是人家的地盘,咋你又有能支配呢?你偷了人家的产权证?你把 - 鲁迅九 01/20/21 (70)
                    上个公共厕所都需要出示产权证?习近平的中国太伟大了。  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (57)
                      你家的厕所也有门牌号码?但不知你家厕所注册没有?  /无内容 - 鲁迅九 01/20/21 (56)
                        农家的有,我家的没有。  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (52)
                          另外,你家厕所没门牌不等于你有权给人家的厕所按上门牌,你懂不 - 鲁迅九 01/20/21 (62)
                            农搞错了,农家厕所上的门牌不是我安的。  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (64)
                          你那里的农村特别,住宅没有门牌,但其厕所却有门牌  /无内容 - 鲁迅九 01/20/21 (50)
                            这习近平领导下的中国农村有点像个花花世界嘛!  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (67)
                              如今的中华农村都城镇化了,特别是浙江海宁、嘉兴一带的农村非常 - 鲁迅九 01/20/21 (67)
                                “中华农村”具有门牌号码的农家厕所一定很气派。  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (96)
                                  你们家用带门牌号的厕所样式装潢一定胜过白宫,你也一定会因此比 - 鲁迅九 01/20/21 (54)
                                    假如以后真会装一个,考虑取名: 蹲上习近平。  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (66)
                                      你一定要写上拜登的名字,让你拉屎放屁也想着拜登,否则,你失去 - 鲁迅九 01/20/21 (55)
                                        我只有蹲在习近平身上才拉得出来。  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (60)
                                          你进中南海试过了?你没被送到精神病院?  /无内容 - 鲁迅九 01/20/21 (63)
                                            是他来的,农不信去问他。  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (50)
                                              你住在中南海他隔壁?  /无内容 - 鲁迅九 01/20/21 (67)
                                                农开车把他送来的。  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (60)
                                                  这只有在你不吃药时候才能实现  /无内容 - 鲁迅九 01/20/21 (42)
                                                    一个电话农俩就来了。  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (43)
                                                      前提是你没吃药  /无内容 - 鲁迅九 01/20/21 (52)
                                                        农吃药了,  /无内容 - 巨氓 01/20/21 (47)
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