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It makes me disappointmented.
送交者: hotmoon 2009月04月26日10:34:16 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 牢頭: 一個認真做愛和做事的壞女人牢頭 於 2009-04-25 14:03:36
I don't like this movie. A lot of details don't make sense at all. Their love story cann't convice me.It is not love, it is only sex.
The guy reget most which is he did not tell the fact in the court.
The lady, I doubt she knows the meaning of love or not.
It is the problem of screen writer. There are a lot of conflictions about moral,honest,value et. in this movie. Screen writer only touches them, but did not deepen them.It has the materials, it can be a movie making people think a lot.But it did not.
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