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The Economy and Markets 5/31
送交者: 紐約大被窩 2022月06月01日05:35:45 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 月師傅的爛文章為定理提供證據:博士水平極低.捉姦人 於 2011-05-31 10:18:38

The Economy and Markets

5/31  Economic pessimism growing in U.S. – Gallup
5/31  USD sinks amid worst macro-meltdown since Lehman – Zero Hedge
5/31  Still waiting to fade the rally? – Zero Hedge
5/31  Fed pause? Markets hope so, but likely not yet – Seeking Alpha
5/31  The beginning of the end for the craziest stock bubble ever – Wolf Street
5/31  500K UK small businesses ‘at risk of going bust’ without bailouts – Guardian
5/31  China faces a nearly $1 trillion funding gap it needs to fill – CNBC
5/31  Treasury yields rise as inflation concerns keep rate-hike bets alive – Yahoo!
5/31  Dow slips about 200 points as last week’s Wall Street rally stalls – CNBC
5/31  Is this the end of retirement as we know it? – BBC
5/30  Two perspectives on the sell-off – Seeking Alpha
5/30  We are one week through a bear-market rally – Seeking Alpha
5/30  First-quarter US GDP was worse than originally estimated – Just the News
5/30  David Stockman: Perpetual debt, perpetual war – Antiwar
5/30  11 statistics show how U.S. consumers are faring in failing economy – Snyder
5/30  Lessons from a trading great: Paul Tudor Jones – Substack
5/30  US Memorial Day holiday schedule – 321Gold
5/30  China manufacturing PMI in recession territory – The Sounding Line
5/30  What a shrinking China means for the world – Asia Times
5/30  Stocks gain as China virus easing spurs optimism – Yahoo!
5/30  No global recession yet but brace for stagflation – CNBC

Real Estate Bubble

5/31  The most splendid housing bubbles in America – Wolf Street
5/31  S&P Case-Shiller: Home prices surged in March as interest rates rose – CNBC
5/30  Home sellers in migration hotspots increasingly turn to price drops – Redfin
5/27  TD economist on Canada’s inflation fight and impact on housing – Moneytalk
5/27  Home listings suddenly spike as sellers worry they’ll miss out – CNBC
5/27  Signs are pointing to a slowdown in the housing market—at last – Time
5/27  Number of home sellers cutting prices hits highest level since 2019 – Yahoo!

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回國機票$360起 | 商務艙省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出爐:海航獲五星
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