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送交者: FVCK 2023月06月28日11:55:39 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 喜讯传遍汉江两岸:韩国人民一觉醒来,发现自己年轻了至少一岁FVCK 于 2023-06-28 11:44:27


On Wednesday afternoon, President Biden will make his case for
“Bidenomics.” A key piece of Biden's argument is that his policies
fueled an economic recovery that outperformed the rest of the world.

White House points to GDP growth and inflation as evidence for that
claim. The US has “the highest economic growth since the pandemic and
currently has the lowest level of inflation,” senior advisors Anita Dunn
and Mike Donilon noted in a memo this week.

That good news, they added, is “a direct result of Bidenomics.”

carefully chosen words do obscure some slightly less flattering numbers
on inflation and a jobs record that equals but doesn't exceed that of
fellow nations. And voters continue to rate him poorly on his handling of the economy.

a Yahoo Finance review of the data found that perhaps Biden is entitled
to some bragging. He is overseeing an economy that is notably
outperforming or at least on par with comparable economies around the
world on a variety of fronts, and he has dodged a recession so far.

周三下午,拜登总统将阐述他的“拜登经济学”观点。 拜登论点的一个关键部分是,他的政策推动了经济复苏,表现优于世界其他地区。 白宫指出国内生产总值增长和通货膨胀作为这一说法的证据。 高级顾问安妮塔·邓恩(Anita Dunn)和迈克·多尼隆(Mike Donilon)在本周的一份备忘录中指出,美国“实现了自疫情大流行以来最高的经济增长,目前通胀水平最低”。 他们补充说,这个好消息是“拜登经济学的直接结果”。 这些精心挑选的词语确实掩盖了一些稍微不那么讨人喜欢的通胀数据,以及与其他国家持平但不超过的就业记录。 选民们仍然对他对经济的处理评价不佳。 但雅虎财经对数据的审查发现,拜登或许有资格吹牛。 他所管理的经济在各个方面都明显优于或至少与世界上可比经济体持平,而且迄今为止还避免了经济衰退。



On Wednesday afternoon, President Biden will make his case for
“Bidenomics.” A key piece of Biden's argument is that his policies
fueled an economic recovery that outperformed the rest of the world.

White House points to GDP growth and inflation as evidence for that
claim. The US has “the highest economic growth since the pandemic and
currently has the lowest level of inflation,” senior advisors Anita Dunn
and Mike Donilon noted in a memo this week.

That good news, they added, is “a direct result of Bidenomics.”

carefully chosen words do obscure some slightly less flattering numbers
on inflation and a jobs record that equals but doesn't exceed that of
fellow nations. And voters continue to rate him poorly on his handling of the economy.

a Yahoo Finance review of the data found that perhaps Biden is entitled
to some bragging. He is overseeing an economy that is notably
outperforming or at least on par with comparable economies around the
world on a variety of fronts, and he has dodged a recession so far.

周三下午,拜登总统将阐述他的“拜登经济学”观点。 拜登论点的一个关键部分是,他的政策推动了经济复苏,表现优于世界其他地区。 白宫指出国内生产总值增长和通货膨胀作为这一说法的证据。 高级顾问安妮塔·邓恩(Anita Dunn)和迈克·多尼隆(Mike Donilon)在本周的一份备忘录中指出,美国“实现了自疫情大流行以来最高的经济增长,目前通胀水平最低”。 他们补充说,这个好消息是“拜登经济学的直接结果”。 这些精心挑选的词语确实掩盖了一些稍微不那么讨人喜欢的通胀数据,以及与其他国家持平但不超过的就业记录。 选民们仍然对他对经济的处理评价不佳。 但雅虎财经对数据的审查发现,拜登或许有资格吹牛。 他所管理的经济在各个方面都明显优于或至少与世界上可比经济体持平,而且迄今为止还避免了经济衰退。



On Wednesday afternoon, President Biden will make his case for
“Bidenomics.” A key piece of Biden's argument is that his policies
fueled an economic recovery that outperformed the rest of the world.

White House points to GDP growth and inflation as evidence for that
claim. The US has “the highest economic growth since the pandemic and
currently has the lowest level of inflation,” senior advisors Anita Dunn
and Mike Donilon noted in a memo this week.

That good news, they added, is “a direct result of Bidenomics.”

carefully chosen words do obscure some slightly less flattering numbers
on inflation and a jobs record that equals but doesn't exceed that of
fellow nations. And voters continue to rate him poorly on his handling of the economy.

a Yahoo Finance review of the data found that perhaps Biden is entitled
to some bragging. He is overseeing an economy that is notably
outperforming or at least on par with comparable economies around the
world on a variety of fronts, and he has dodged a recession so far.

周三下午,拜登总统将阐述他的“拜登经济学”观点。 拜登论点的一个关键部分是,他的政策推动了经济复苏,表现优于世界其他地区。 白宫指出国内生产总值增长和通货膨胀作为这一说法的证据。 高级顾问安妮塔·邓恩(Anita Dunn)和迈克·多尼隆(Mike Donilon)在本周的一份备忘录中指出,美国“实现了自疫情大流行以来最高的经济增长,目前通胀水平最低”。 他们补充说,这个好消息是“拜登经济学的直接结果”。 这些精心挑选的词语确实掩盖了一些稍微不那么讨人喜欢的通胀数据,以及与其他国家持平但不超过的就业记录。 选民们仍然对他对经济的处理评价不佳。 但雅虎财经对数据的审查发现,拜登或许有资格吹牛。 他所管理的经济在各个方面都明显优于或至少与世界上可比经济体持平,而且迄今为止还避免了经济衰退。


  阿拉也看猪油媒体、它说东你信西就对了。特别灵 /无内容 - Palmoil 06/28/23 (148)
    不应有恨 - FVCK 06/28/23 (174)
      事实:有别人家的女儿、因为皮肤的罪恶 被闯进女厕的男人残害了  /无内容 - a自由人 06/28/23 (118)
        皮肤们还在这里 恬不知耻!恬不知罪!  /无内容 - a自由人 06/28/23 (99)
        Happy Eid al-Adha! Happy 古尔邦节! - FVCK 06/28/23 (110)
        你放到公共论坛里,对你的贴做回应、就是最大的尊重。  /无内容 - a自由人 06/28/23 (126)
          同意你说得才是尊重?不同意就是不尊重?没有这个道理  /无内容 - a自由人 06/28/23 (119)
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