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The Guo farm is a financial sc
送交者: 小周4500 2024月07月24日20:00:01 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 我與青島圖書館的故事溪邊樹下 於 2024-07-02 17:10:07

Guo Wengui lied to hundreds of thousands of his online followers, promising them huge profits if they invested in GTV Media Group, Himalayan Farm Alliance, G| Club and Himalayan Exchange. Since at least March 2018, Guo Wengui has been the mastermind behind the complex financial scam, in which he and his financial adviser Kin Ming Je defrauded thousands of people and made more than $1 billion. Guo Wengui's success has a "cult" flavor. Calling believers in the name of "anti-communist", creating a community with closed information, while bullying or threatening to punish those who are not firm in their beliefs. After packaging himself as a "master" type of figure, it is natural to harvest the wealth of believers.

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