给随便同学科普一哈 eulogy 的定义和用法 |
送交者: 直言 2012年09月08日22:31:16 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
随便同学坚持 eulogy 是悼词的意思,而且只是悼词,不可用于生者。是对 eulogy 词义的误解。 事实上,eulogy 有悼文、悼词的意思,但词义不限于悼词,也未必非要用在死者身上。 根据 Collins English Dictionary,eulogy [ˈjuːləʤɪ] 定义为: 1. a speech or writing in praise of a person or thing, especially a set oration in honor of a deceased person.( 颂词;颂文,尤指对一位刚去世的人歌功颂德的演说、文章〕。
2. high praise or commendation. (称赞,颂扬)。
eulogy 一词源于希腊文 eulogia,意为 "praise",其中,eu 相当于 "well",-logia 意为 "speaking," 组合在一起,即 "speak well of" 的意思。 下面是 eulogy 不作为悼词使用的实际例子(注意红字): 1。Sir , such is my eulogy of the expedition to china. (先生,这就是我对远征中国的赞赏)。 2。Finally, eulogy and praise of the good humanity. (最后,对美好人性的讴歌与赞美)。 3。I pronounced her an eulogy in order to amuse her. (我说了很多赞美她的话为了逗她开心)。 4。His descriptions of gatsby's extravagant parties are closer to satire than eulogy (他对盖茨比豪华宴会的描述与其说是称赞不如说是讽刺)。 5。Here kabir was writing a eulogy to the inner sound . the music plays non - stop within us , he said , but it is not produced by instruments . we all know this very well.(他赞叹内在的声音,说在我们内边,音乐不停的演奏,不过不是从有弦律的乐器跑出来的这个我们都知道嘛!) 6。" My dear vicomte , " returned monte cristo , " i do not see , in all i have done , anything that merits , either from you or these gentlemen , the pretended eulogies i have received.(“亲爱的子爵, ”基督山答道, “我看不出在我所做的一切事上有哪一点值得您和这几位先生如此过奖)。 7。His project meanwhile was very favourably entertained by his auditors and won hearty eulogies from all though mr dixon of mary s excepted to it , asking with a finicking air did he purpose also to carry coals to newcastle (众人闻其计划,莫不欣喜,并衷心颂扬之。惟独玛利亚医院之迪克森先生则故意责难。谓:彼欲运煤至纽卡斯尔157乎?) 。。。 (来源:http://www.ichacha.net/eulogy.html ) 今天日间本人已给随便同学详尽科普过该词定义,随便却仍然执迷不悟。坚持 eulogy 只能是悼词。之所以仍然云里雾里,本人判断是因为当时科普没有附上中文翻译。故此吸取教训,大量使用中英对照。希望随便同学能够学会。 不谢。 |
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