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送交者: 坐家媽媽 2007年10月11日15:15:52 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


I am Mei Ling
Chapter 1 Hi, Canada
“We’re here. We’re in Canada!
Wake up, my little girl, Mei Ling.”
It seemed like I faintly heard
Mom’s soft and faraway calling.
I was too sleepy and tired
To open my drowsy eyes.
I didn’t know how many hours
The plane had soared up in the skies.
My birth country, China
Is very far away!
I would live in Canada
With my parents from today.
Suddenly, I felt someone
Gently stroking my long hair.
I rubbed my eyes and opened them.
My mom looked at me with care.
I happily found that
On Dad’s lap were my feet.
Mom’s big shawl covered me.
It was warm and smelled sweet.
Then, I smiled at my Mom.
On her lap was my head.
Sleeping like this was better
Than sleeping on any bed.
“Mei Ling, we’re in Canada now,”
Mom said and looked out the airplane.
“Look how beautiful the lights are.”
She pointed to the window pane.
I immediately sat up
And stood up beside the window.
I anxiously looked down.
I’m a curious girl, you know.
On the ground under our plane,
There were so many bright lights.
They were shinier than the stars
On the clearest summer nights.
“Which light was lit for us?”
Mom asked, looking outside.
“The most beautiful one,”
Confidently, Dad replied.
I was glad I sat between
My father and mother.
I joyfully saw them
Smiling at each other.
Finally, the airplane lowered and
Landed smoothly at the airport.
I showed the customs officer
My red-coloured Chinese passport.
I was wondering about,
Is Canada a good land?
I walked out of the airport,
Tightly holding Mom’s hand.
There was a big open space
In the dark in front of us.
I had to say that I felt
Disappointed more or less.
The few lights weren’t as shiny
As those I saw from the sky.
They stared at me very coldly
As if I was a stranger. Why?
Suddenly, a gust of wind
Violently blew right over me.
I couldn’t help shivering
And my eyes couldn’t see.
My dad took a big step forward.
He firmly stood in front of me.
He would block the cold winter wind
Using his big and tall body.
Then he suddenly picked me up.
His arms held me very tightly.
I put my head on his shoulder,
My arms around his neck lightly.
I felt warm and safe right away.
I secretly gave him a kiss.
I was too shy to say I wished for him
To hold me forever like this.
Later, Dad turned around.
I raised my head up high.
I found a shiny star
In the quiet black sky.
In the distance, I could see
A star was blinking at me.
“Look, the biggest shiniest star!”
I said to my parents loudly.
My dad held me up higher
With my mom standing close by.
We were facing the wind and
The mysterious black sky.
“Hi, Canada! A beautiful
Chinese girl has arrived, today.
Please, please welcome her, Mei Ling.”
My dad’s voice spread far away.

標 題 (必選項):
內 容 (選填項):
回國機票$360起 | 商務艙省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出爐:海航獲五星
海外華人福利!在線看陳建斌《三叉戟》熱血歸回 豪情築夢 高清免費看 無地區限制
一周點擊熱帖 更多>>
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