微软玉: 和警察第八次打交道 |
送交者: 微软玉 2005年03月24日10:14:53 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
上班还是蛮好玩的。我飞舞扫把, 抹着地板。心想,朝天辣她舞画笔,也不见得比我潇洒。。。。。。。嗯,为什么大老鹰还不给我“相亲”的最后几集呢?。。。。。。大慨是忘了我了。。。。。。他太忙。。。。。。 “Hey, look what I found!”Shaggy 把一团毛茸茸的东西举在我眼前。瘦子Shaggy和我同一公司。 他负责下水道。 最近老跟我说,他在通过网上找中国女孩。还真找了一个。 他总是“keep me updated”. 不过 这个按下不说。 “You scared me! Yucky, what is this?”“A wig? I guess? I hope?” 我定睛一瞧, 应该是假发, 深棕色,短的,还湿漉漉的。“Yours?”“Hell no. I found it in the water main. That is why they are having problems。” “What are you going to do with it?““I don’t know……Maybe send it to the 14th floor? ”“Right…… in case it has something to do with the terrorist……”我逗他。 没想到他是当真的。他要送假发让他们exam。 我就跟着他到了十四楼。也是,十四楼那儿有著名的Mr. Holmes。近水楼台先得wig啦。 来到十四楼,接待我们的是Mr.W. 办这手续是麻烦点儿。Shaggy 填了无穷多的表. 终于Mr。W。收下了Wig。“We will have results in about two weeks.” “Two weeks?” 我很失望的看着Mr。W。本来还以为会听到一点什么有趣的事儿。“Let’s get out of here.” Shaggy早就想 要走。我们朝门口走去。“Well, if you guys are really interested .”身后转来Mr。W。的低沉的声音。 “The owner of this wig should be a male, about 5’8”, 160lb, between 40 to 45.”密封袋里的假发在Mr。W。 的手上翻来覆去。“He has dark hair—if he still has any---you know what I mean, dark eyes.” 我张大了嘴巴。张大了眼睛。Mr。W。得意的看了我一眼, 竟然又打开袋子闻了闻。“And he liked Chinese foods!” 我心里咯噔了一下。我挤出几丝惊叹的笑:“You are good. You are amazing. You are unbelievable.” 我对Shaggy 说“I am hungry. Let’s go.” 我们离开了Mr.W. 。 我像中了魔一样,, 心里只有一个念头,就是,墩子,墩子,墩子。。。。。。墩子的假发怎么会跑到地下水道里去?难道他一直躲在?。。。。。。 “You sure you are hungry? We just had lunch break one hour ago.”“Y-e-a-h” 我支吾着。“Maybe we can have a cup of coffee?”“No, I have to have an internet…..”“What?”
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