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送交者: 福祿 2018年11月15日07:16:30 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

Bob Woodward: The Media Has Become 'Emotionally Unhinged' About Trump

Bob Woodwardis no fan of Donald Trump, but he’s not exactly supporting CNN’s lawsuit against the president, either.

The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist spoke out against the lawsuit Tuesday at the Global Financial Leadership Conference in Naples, Florida. Suing to restore CNN reporter Jim Acosta’s press credentials is just playing into the spotlight-loving president’s hands, he said.

“It’s actually a negative,” Woodward said, according to the Naples Daily News. “Trump would sit around and look at this and say, ‘This is great.’”

Woodward is not impressed with other media’s reportage of the president, either, saying “too many people for Trump or against Trump have become emotionally unhinged about this,” 

“The remedy,” Woodward added, isn’t a lawsuit. “It’s more serious reporting about what he’s doing.”

The lawsuit CNN filed Tuesday in the U.S. District Court in Washington alleges that theWhite House decision to revoke Acosta’s press access violated the First Amendment rights of CNN and its reporter.

The White House, which has fiercely criticized Acosta in the past, first justified the decision by claiming the reporter laid hands on an intern at a testy presidential news conference. After CNN sued, the White House changed its story to say Acosta was rude to fellow reporters.

from 柿油派 HuffPost

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