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Thanksgiving w/ Friends(與朋友過感恩節)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月10日06:58:15 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        A church is the one place I do not wish to spend a night of vacation at. The fact that most people there are Chinese pours fuel on the fire, considering how practically everyone knows my grandma, mom, or my writing pieces about the daily life and world exploration. But it is a family tradition, and so here goes another “party” for Thanksgiving celebration in China Grace Christian Church.

        Well, the turnout was better than expected. No, the party’s content was not very exciting, but life is all about getting around things. I got around being bored quite easily, which involved finding all the other kids that were bored (which was about everyone under 13) and did stuff. Manhunt was an ideal game, but when performances started, it made far too much ruckus, so we took it outside.

        The game manhunt is perfect for the church’s conditions. Eerie lights spaced out cast a gloom over the rooms, but do not catch all of the areas. With the boundaries set as far as the roads and resident houses, the area to run was in a perfect circle. This meant if a person was chasing you, the only way to escape was to outrun or hide.  As the a) fattest kid there, and b) the clumsiest kid there, it was going to be tough. Or so I thought. Turns out, I wore a nice outfit were I blended into the surroundings surprisingly well. Either that or everyone needed glasses. Soon, the night got too dark, so black that we would bump into the hunter on accident. I still feel the bruise today as well.

        I’m surprised on how many Chinese people know how to play Texas Hold’em. Nearly everyone says how one of their parents is addicted to the game. The rules are quite difficult to understand, but to put it simply, if you have the best cards, you bet. You have bad cards; you can sit out or bluff. The winner gets the chips, which is the currency of the game, and the loser is sad. As we got into an intense game, sounds of the performance wafted through the floor boards, giving us a lovely background tune while deeply bluffing our way to victory.

        Although I would say I wasn’t looking forward to this, I found something to be thankful for anyway. I felt grateful for the friends keeping me company, for the delicious food the parents made, and for the lovely Full House that the deck in Texas Hold’em handed to me when I needed it the most (not seriously, I went all in with two pairs, while the opponent had three two’s, and the Full House saved me from losing). As the Native Americans did on this very day, I was happy, stuffed with food, and most importantly, grateful for what I had.







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