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送交者: 福祿 2020年10月30日06:46:36 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

Greenwald: Deep State, Silicon Valley, Media In Full Union With The Democratic Party To Stop Trump


Tucker Carlson interviewed 'The Intercept' co-founder Glenn Greenwald after he quit his job on Thursday, claiming editors censored story critical of Biden. Greenwald told Carlson left is in bed with a CIA set on destroying Trump and complained that the left's "healthy skepticism" of what intelligence agencies say has "disappeared."

"The obvious foundational prohibition on having a national security state after World War II was it was never supposed to be turned domestically," Greenwald said. "They weren't supposed to be involved in our politics or disseminating propaganda. Go turn on any of those cable networks or pick up the op-ed page of any of the biggest newspapers and you will see are ex-members of the CIA, the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA telling Americans what they ought to believe. They have infiltrated the means of communication domestically. They do it through leaks, they do it through clandestine operations and through lies. They propagandize the American people in a way that is incredibly dangerous no matter what your ideology is."

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