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送交者: newwild 2022年02月10日05:47:22 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Thursday morning registered a 7.5% annual gain in January.

Fuel oil prices jumped 9.5% on a monthly basis, tracking the rise in crude oil prices. 

Electricity prices also jumped by a pronounced 4.2% on a month-over-month basis.

Gains in prices for food also contributed to the headline index, rising by about 1% on a monthly basis.

Even excluding more volatile food and energy prices, the so-called core CPI rose by 6.0% in January over last year.

      當年中國農民積極上戰場幫老毛奪權,結果老毛時代農民最苦  /無內容 - newwild 02/10/22 (82)
        印證了一句話:可憐之人必有可惡之處。同情心不可濫用。  /無內容 - newwild 02/10/22 (83)
          也是典型的蠢貨:人家打算賣你,你還幫着數錢  /無內容 - newwild 02/10/22 (51)
          不可濫用,跟完全不用,是兩回事啊。我回頭給你論證一下  /無內容 - pifu01 02/10/22 (67)
            期待中  /無內容 - newwild 02/10/22 (67)
  燃料年漲114%,電費年漲50.4%,糧食年漲12%  /無內容 - newwild 02/10/22 (63)
    我們這裡電費今年只准漲4%,這是國家調劑價。  /無內容 - 果子狸 02/10/22 (55)
    去除能源和食物,其它物品通漲為6%  /無內容 - newwild 02/10/22 (58)
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