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Pat the Charging Bull for Good Luck, NYC(紐約華爾街金融牛)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2022年10月07日05:02:02 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

2022-09-25 World Dream Day

Bowling Green & Wall St0001.JPG

【Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction—It Must Give Pleasure·VIII (1942)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        What am I to believe? If the angel in his cloud,

        Serenely gazing at the violent abyss,

        Plucks on his strings to pluck abysmal glory,


        Leaps downward through evening's revelations, and

        On his spredden wings, needs nothing but deep space,

        Forgets the gold centre, the golden destiny,


        Grows warm in the motionless motion of his flight,

        Am I that imagine this angel less satisfied?

        Are the wings his, the lapis-haunted air?


        Is it he or is it I that experience this?

        Is it I then that keep saying there is an hour

        Filled with expressible bliss, in which I have


        No need, am happy, forget need’s golden hand,

        Am satisfied without solacing majesty,

        And if there is an hour there is a day,


        There is a month, a year, there is a time

        In which majesty is a mirror of the self:

        I have not but I am and as I am, I am.


        These external regions, what do we fill them with

        Except reflections, the escapades of death,

        Cinderella fulfilling herself beneath the roof?

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——































【注】1987年紐約股市崩盤後激發了意大利藝術家熊·適度(Arturo Di Modica)雕刻出一尊7,100磅/3,200公斤、11英尺/3米高和16英尺/5米長的青銅公牛,用以象徵新時代當應像紐約佬那樣的態度。

“適度”根據前一天晚上偵探的信息,次日在巡警換崗期間把銅牛雕像非法丟在紐約證券交易所(NYSE)大樓外,結果當天銅牛便被移走,好在一周后在紐約第一個城市公園——農場綠園(Bowling Green)找到了新家,這頭衝鋒在華爾街、進攻於金融區的奔牛因此而一躍成為備受追逐的國際明星。


Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2022: The Battery & Clinton Castle NM, NYC(紐約炮台地頭堡國家紀念地)

2022:Trinity Church Wall Street, NYC(紐約·華爾街三一教堂)

Bowling Green (1733)_ the City's 1st Park0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Bowling Green w Plaque to Commemorate the 1733 Establishment0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Bowling Green Looking Sorth from the Fountain0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Bowling Green w Crowd0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Bowling Green Fence Landmark Sign0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Bowling Green_Rub the Charging Bull for Good Luck0001.JPG

1997-04-11_NYC_Bowling Green Park0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Bowling Green_Charging Bull w the Oversized Bronze Testicles Representing Pronounced Virility & Strength0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Bowling Green_Good Luck & Prosperous not only to Touch Its Head & Horns … but also Its Enormous Testicles0001.JPG

2022-09-25_National Museum of the American Indian (1922)0001.JPG

National Museum of the American Indian–New York_ the George Gustav Heye Center (1907) in Beaux-Arts @ 1 Bowling Green0001.JPG

Broad St_NYSE from Wall St0001.JPG

2022-09-25_1 Wall St in Art Deco (1930)0001.JPG

2022-09-25_11 Wall St_NYSE  Trading Floor to Feel Money Being Made On Wall Street0001.JPG

Wall St from Trinity Church0001.JPG

2022-09-25_40 Wall St_Trump Bldg (1930)0001.JPG

2016-04-26_Federal Hall-10001.JPG

1993-09-04_Wall Street0001.JPG

2022-09-25_NYSE_ the Big Board0001.JPG

2022-09-25_NYSE_Bronze Sculpture of Fearless Girl Facing the New York Stock Exchange Bldg-10001.JPG

2022-09-25_NYSE_Bronze Sculpture of Fearless Girl Facing the New York Stock Exchange Bldg-20001.JPG

2022-09-25_NYSE_Look up @ NYSE w the Fearless Girl Bronze Sculpture (2017)0001.JPG

2022-09-25_15 Broad St_Formerly the HQ of JP Morgan0001.JPG

2022-09-25_88 Broad St_Broadstone Bar & Kitchen0001.JPG







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