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he was American:
送交者: NZFP 2008月07月24日14:11:07 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話
回  答: “他於2003年更新了他的綠卡”31318 於 2008-07-24 13:33:27

His name was Cho Seung-Hui, and he was American.

Cho Seung-Hui was not Chinese -- he was South Korean. They're about as much the same thing as Russian and Italian. More importantly, he was American; he'd lived in America since moving to Detroit at age 8, and had LPR (legal permanent resident) status for many years. In America, a legal permanent resident must be 18 before he can begin the naturalization process (in other words, before he can apply to become a citizen), and naturalization takes a long time. Cho Seung-Hui was 19. He was pretty close to being a citizen of this country.
  being a citizen /無內容 - 31318 07/24/08 (186)
  He was pretty close to /無內容 - 31318 07/24/08 (282)
    being a citizen  /無內容 - 31318 07/24/08 (301)
      美國校園殺手之多在全世界是No.1,當之無愧  /無內容 - NZFP 07/24/08 (267)
          /無內容 - 31318 07/24/08 (195)
        資料:中國博士留學生盧剛在校園中射殺數人 - 31318 07/24/08 (298)
          肯大學中國留學生張棟承認殺人疑因求婚被拒 - 31318 07/24/08 (340)
            不容易,能被你找出2個你痛恨的華人,真不容易  /無內容 - NZFP 07/24/08 (219)
              謝謝閱讀!我知道你會因為他們是華人而愛上他們的。  /無內容 - 31318 07/24/08 (159)
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