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Difference Through Comparison
送交者: QingXingChen 2008月08月01日10:35:09 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 21世紀仍是美國的世紀有一說一` 於 2008-07-31 09:18:59
Totally agree with the author. No doubt that America is the most powerful and richest country in the world. The country has also made more contributions to our world more than any other countries in the world. And the contribution is all over, all facets and all fields, from science to culture, from military field to arts, from industry to agriculture, from politics to entertainment... This country will be the leader of the world forever.
If you do not agree, please give some examples that China has made more contributions to the world than America.
All we need to do is to confess the facts and find out why.
    那末,美國編造謊言侵略伊拉克也是對世界的"貢獻"吧?  /無內容 - NZFP 08/01/08 (135)
      美國的強大,就是日俄的遏制。你說貢獻大不大?  /無內容 - 5000 08/01/08 (127)
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