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送交者: Viewer 2009年10月26日03:57:20 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話

恩格斯在《Anti-Duhring》中寫道:“對人的博愛是荒謬的。” 在給朋友的一封信中,他又說:“我們需要的是恨而不是愛 -- 至少現在是這樣。”

Engels wrote in Anti-Duhring, "Universal love for men is an absurdity." And in a letter to a friend he said, "We need hate rather than love - at least for now"

切·格瓦拉(Che Guevara,阿根廷共產主義革命領袖)很好地領會了馬克思主義。在其作品中,他附和了恩格斯的情操:

“仇恨是鬥爭的要素 -- 毫無憐憫的恨,能讓一個革命者超越人類自然極限,讓他變成一台高效、毀滅性、冷酷、老謀深算、冰冷的殺戮機器 -- 要以這樣的仇恨來對待敵人。”

Che Guevara learned his Marxist lessons well. In his writings he echoes Engels' sentiments:

Hate is an element of fight-pitiless hate against the foe, hate that lifts the revolutionist above the natural limitation of

man and makes him become an efficient, destructive, cool, calculating, and cold killing machine.


This is what the Devil wishes to make of men. He has succeeded all too well with many notorious leaders of the human race. In our lifetime we have witnessed more than our share: Hitler, Eichmann, Mengele, Stalin, Mao, Andropov, Pol Pot…


“共產黨人不屑於隱瞞自己的觀點和意圖。他們公開宣布:他們的目的只有用暴力推翻全部現存的社會制度才能達到...... ”

Marx writes in The Communist Manifesto:

The Communists despise making a secret of their opinions and intentions. They openly declare that their aims can be reached only through the violent overthrow of the whole existing social structure. - …There is only one method to shorten the murderous pains of death of the old society, the bloody birth pangs of the new society; only one method to simplify and concentrate them, that is revolutionary terrorism.


There have been many revolutions in history. Each had an objective. The American revolution, for example, was fought for national independence, the French revolution for democracy. Marx is the only one who formulates as his aim a "permanent revolution," terrorism and bloodshed for revolution's sake. There is no purpose to be attained; violence to the point of paroxysm is its only objective. This is what distinguishes Satanism from ordinary human sinfulness.

對於在沙俄犯了殺人罪被處決的恐怖分子,馬克思稱他們為 “不朽的烈士” 或 “驚人能幹的夥伴”。

Marx called terrorists executed for murder in Czarist Russia "immortal martyrs" or "amazingly capable fellows."

恩格斯也寫到 “我們進行的美味的復仇”。他經常使用這種措辭:“(俄國)國內的進展多麼壯麗啊!謀殺變成了家常便飯。” “讓倫理道德問題靠邊站吧...... 革命者為達目的,無論採取何種手段都是對的,包括暴力和表面的順從。”

Engels wrote, too, of the "foody revenge we take." This expression occurs often. "In the interior (of Russia), what a splendid development. The attempts at murder become frequent." "Leaving aside the problem of morality ... for a revolutionist any means are right which lead to the purpose, the violent, as the seemingly tame."

當馬克思主義者列寧在俄國,生活在 Kerensky 的民主制度下時,他說:


The Marxist Lenin, while living under the democratic rule of Kerensky in Russia, said,

What is needed is wild energy and again energy. I wonder, yea more, I am horrified that more than half a year has passed in speaking about bombs and not one single bomb has been fabricated.


A further insight into the fundamental attitudes of Communists can be gained from a few brief quotes.


Marx: "We make war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state, of country, of patriotism."


The Communist Manifesto: "The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their aims can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all the existing social conditions. Let the ruling class tremble at a Communist revolution."


Lenin: "We have to use any ruse, dodge, trick, cunning, unlawful method, concealment, and veiling of the truth."

列寧在 1922 年的致辭中說:“首先我們要拿下歐洲,然後是亞洲各地。接着,我們要包圍並逐漸破壞美國,它就會像一個成熟的果子一樣,毫無反抗地落入我們手中。”

Lenin, in an address in 1922: "First we shall take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia. After that, we shall surround and undermine the U.S.A., which will fall into our hands without a struggle-like an overripe fruit."


Khrushchev: "If anyone believes our smiles involve abandonment of the teachings of Marx, Engels and Lenin, he deceives himself. Those who wait for that must wait until a shrimp learns to whistle."
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