米国的新一轮爱国主义教育高潮---I hope he fails
这个Rush Limbaugh嘛,是个好同志啊,他的存在印证了我的预言------米国将在几十年后走向分崩离析,到时候今天削尖了脑袋要"溶入米国主流"的米华将不得不面对"主流"分岔成几个支流然后又要绞尽脑汁再次"溶入X国主流"了。嘿嘿,台巴子化米华这不是瞎折腾吗?胡哥最近是怎么说的来着?------"不折腾!"
是打倒Rush Limbaugh这个主流?还是支持Rush Limbaugh这个主流?估计折腾到米国分崩离析的那天满脑子浆糊的台巴子化米华还是想不明白的。
靠!CNN、NBC这些米国宣传工具昨晚已经嚷嚷了一晚上,今天早晨起来还不依不饶地继续口诛笔伐Rush Limbaugh,米国这个民主自由的明灯褪变成极权独裁国家的速度也太快了点儿了吧。
This is a patriot? Rush Limbaugh says, "I hope Obama fails"
Rick Sanchez was astonished on CNN, and for good reason: He couldn't believe recent comments from Rush Limbaugh.
"I hope he fails," Limbaugh told his radio audience on Friday.
Limbaugh went on: "Everybody thinks it's outrageous to say. Look, even my staff, 'Oh, you can't do that.' Why not? Why is it any different, what's new, what is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what's gotten us dangerously close to the precipice here. Why do I want more of it? I don't care what the Drive-By story is. I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: 'Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.' Somebody's gotta say it."
What kind of American would root for a president's failure? Especially at this time when the country is on the financial precipice?
Limbaugh's childish rant is appalling. Maybe great wealth has made him oblivious to the pain of everyday working people. Limbaugh sounds a lot like Mr. Potter in "It's a Wonderful Life," and you remember what a miserable twit he was.
'Does Rush Limbaugh Hate This Country?'
Chris Matthews questioned Rush Limbaugh’s patriotism on Wednesday night’s "Hardball," as the MSNBC host wondered how the radio talk show host could dare to oppose Barack Obama as he exclaimed to his viewers: "Does Rush Limbaugh hate this country?" Matthews jumped on a quote from Limbaugh saying of Obama, "I hope he fails," apparently not understanding the concept that Limbaugh opposes any and all who would promote liberal policies precisely because he believes they will be harmful to the country. To see Limbaugh's quote in full context visit his official site. Matthews slammed Limbaugh in the following tease before going to a commercial break (audio excerpt here):
CHRIS MATTHEWS: Up next, does Rush Limbaugh hate this country? Wait till you hear what he said about the new president. He wants him to fail. What an amazing-, I've never heard anybody say they wanted a new president to fail. Usually you want the new president to succeed and then later on you argue the politics of what he or she does. But to want them to fail at the outset? What's that about?