美声 恋人/十面埋伏 凯瑟琳巴特尔 |
送交者: 有哲 2015年08月03日10:11:04 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话 |
《美声 恋人/十面埋伏 凯瑟琳巴特尔》 女声独唱:《 恋人》 电影《十面埋伏》(译为《 恋人》)主题歌。 作词/作曲: Shigeru Umebayashi 女生独唱,演唱:凯瑟琳·巴特尔(Kathleen Battle),女高音,生于1948年。美国。 歌词大意: There was a field in my old town Where we always played hand in hand The wind was gently touching the grass We were so young so fearless Then I dreamt over and over Of you holding me tight under the stars I made a promise to my dear Lord I will love you forever Time has passed So much has changed But the field remains in my heart Oh, where are you? I need to tell you I still love you So I reach out for you You fly around me like a butterfly Your voice still echoes in my heart You are my true love There was a field in my old town Where in Spring all flowers blossomed wide We were chasing butterflies Hand in hand till close of day Your voice still echoes in my heart 视频(4分05秒)(英文): 参考: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathleen_Battle |
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