中西对比:四川地震后美国网民的讨论 |
送交者: 反奴制度 2008年05月14日10:46:27 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话 |
四川地震后美国网民的讨论 议报 2008年05月12日 *2 major natural disasters in a short time. Scary. Prayers to all. *7.8 is quite high. However, I don’t know the region in China that it hit that well. But if there was shaking all way from Beijing to Hanoi... it’s gotta be a big one. Hope it struck somewhere where there’s not a lot of people . . . then again it is China. *Like the cyclone disaster, reports of injuries and deaths will be slow in coming out. *After taking a look at Chengdu, China, it does appear the epicenter was located near a mountain range in central China, not too close to any major population centers. We can hope for the best. *This page seems to be useful determining how close the epicenter was to population centers. It’s from the USGS. *That particular region of China -- Sichuan Province -- hit by this quake is by far the most populated of all provinces in that nation. This is an older population map of China, but you can see that the density of people in Chengdu is greater than anyplace else: *Thanks for the info. Check out the link on post 18 where they say the pop. is very thin and so far there are no reports of widespread injuries or damage. * Looking at the coordinates on Google Earth significant populations are less than 4 miles away.There's going to be massive damage. * My first thought was of the extremely rapid construction cities like Chengdu have seen in the last decade, and how they may not be up to “code”. Let us hope that doesn’t play out that way... * The only bright side I can see is that currently the whole country is mobilized for the Olympics. Perhaps it will be easier to route aid to the needy areas? One can hope. * CNBC now reporting “deaths and injuries and a school collapsed”.... 目前的讨论仍在进行中,网址是http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2014670/posts * 网易北京海淀网友 ip:123.112.*.*: |
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