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送交者: achc 2008月07月14日17:43:19 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 申時行: Sonnet XI (定稿)萬尊 於 2008-07-14 03:07:06
and a prediative in the sentence below:

Plus what I most beloved and pleaded,
Aided by some one your poisoned knife.

Those are problematic sentences too:

Thus ordained by fate I accept it.
Thus done by you and him I reject it.
  您能不能也寫首十四行? 謝謝. /無內容 - 農村文人 07/17/08 (142)
  這幾句好象有語法問題。不過我英語比較差。 /無內容 - 農村文人 07/15/08 (157)
    They would make sense either. - achc 07/14/08 (197)
      詩話本是碎話,何況此話不碎! ... Plus句 - 萬尊 07/14/08 (173)
        Trying to get off the hook? - achc 07/14/08 (211)
          your english is good  /無內容 - 農村文人 07/16/08 (163)
          Two sentences are compressed in one line: - 萬尊 07/15/08 (181)
          If you can't take the twist, try - - 萬尊 07/15/08 (168)
      Oops. They wouldn't make sense either.  /無內容 - achc 07/14/08 (155)
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