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Trying to get off the hook?
送交者: achc 2008月07月14日23:27:42 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 詩話本是碎話,何況此話不碎! ... Plus句萬尊 於 2008-07-14 21:25:48
A broken sentence is one thing, small talk another,and poetic diction a third.
Poetic diction is always supposed to be more refined than small talk.

Thus I would reject "it" or "that which is ..." in the same sentence.

What's more, nobody uses "thus" in the sense of "that which" as a relative pronoun. It is your own hook.

If you do not agree with me for what I say, there is no point for me to say more about the other broken sentence. Let's agree to disagree.

IMHO, as a fundamentalist insisting on the supriority of Han people's blood, you know very well how to twist words and concepts. My purpose is not to pursuade you but to lay bare your erroneous way of thinking. And I have done that.
  your english is good /無內容 - 農村文人 07/16/08 (163)
  Two sentences are compressed in one line: - 萬尊 07/15/08 (181)
  If you can't take the twist, try - - 萬尊 07/15/08 (168)
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