也試譯於文兄母親節佳作 |
送交者: 邊砦 2017年05月14日18:26:48 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話 |
母愛始元初,居懷育蚌珠。默契恆久遠,真摯永堪殊。 慈靄無窮盡,從來未滿足。隨時求善美,諸事只勞圖。 坎坷慈恩近,攙扶抱吻犢。無援賢母在,拭淚去啼哭。 此日牽娘手,錢財豈夠贖。行為多檢點,孝順入歡屋。 附原文及於文兄佳譯 A Mother Loves by Carol Matthews A Mother loves right from the start. She holds her baby close to her heart. The bond that grows will never falter. Her love is so strong it will never alter. A Mother gives never ending love. She never feels that she has given enough. For you she will always do her best. Constantly working, there's no time to rest. A Mother is there when things go wrong. A hug and a kiss to help us along. Always there when we need her near. Gently wipes our eyes when we shed a tear. So on this day shower your Mother with Love. Gifts and presents are nice but that is not enough. Give your Mother a day to have some peace of mind. Be gentle, be good, be helpful, be kind. 中譯文 【五言】母之愛 卡羅爾×馬修斯 母愛胎中始,摟子緊貼心。 緣份天恩賜,日久愈溫馨。 |
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