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Just a couple of thoughts
送交者: 江灵飏 2021年05月13日09:46:18 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

1. What's tickling me?


Before I know it, an ant is already crawling and reading between my palm lines.  Its two disproportionately long antennas are beating the air nonstop, apparently sending me an unspeakable message. Oh, boy. It is not a good sign when your palm reader happens to be an ant.


Why is my palm itching to learn about my fate?



2. A wild goose chase 


When an individual wild goose is in trouble, the whole flock will sound uneasy, so much so that a collective defense mechanism will kick in. For wild geese, private troubles are public issues, and vice versa. 



By the way, I suspect that wild geese have become our politicians’ best feathered friends during the pandemic. Why? Their iconic V-formations look too much like the V-shaped recovery our politicians are selling us. In this New Gilded Age, even the pandemic glitters.

----- Lingyang Jiang

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