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送交者: tangto 2008月06月26日00:36:13 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 赞赏你的勇气Wildswan 于 2008-06-25 23:51:58
Thank you for the comments. I do not have chinese software on my computer, so I probably can express myself better. As a matter of facts, most of my white colleagues have Ph.D or at least bachelors degree. I am not against most of white fellows (some of them are quite decent fellows, warmhearted, outgoing), I am sick tired of these politicians in US or their monthpiece like 兰德公司. The point is Chinese people also have the ability to lead. We admit the gaps in several areas, but several factors might contribute to this. Never, ever, let other people point finger at you at some "moral" highground.
  tangto别往心里去 - Wildswan 06/26/08 (222)
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