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毛澤東不搞陰謀 ?
送交者: Oak tree 2008月11月23日20:03:39 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 您就把這個當歷史? 我可從來不拿金陵春夢糟蹋老將香椿樹 於 2008-11-23 17:41:27
毛澤東不搞陰謀 ?... Well, he was the king, he needed someone to die, then that person must die !

Why did you ignore the basic facts and truth under Mao's regime ?

1. Millions of people, most of them were farmers, died from starvation between 1959-1961.
You can not blame 劉少奇 for this. Actually, it was 劉少奇 who changed the policy to save people !

2. 劉少奇 was a leftist in 1964, 1958, and earlier 1966, but that was because he mostly tried to please Mao. Deng is better than 劉少奇 because he didn't believe Maxism at all. 劉少奇 had perfect personal character and that was he did NOT strike Mao first when 劉少奇 really had the chance in earlier 1966.

3. Mao used 劉少奇 to defeat Wang Ming, used Lin Biao to strike 劉少奇 and Peng De-huai. Mao then used Zhang Cun-xiao to dispose Lin Biao... Mao himself made an only mistake in his life was the pick of Hua Guo-feng, but that was the funatune of Chinese people.

4. Mao never gave up the supreme power until his death ( age of 83 ! ). Even Zhou En-lai established an good example by spreading his ash in mainland China before Mao's death, Mao himself would not follow this, because Mao's selfish would want his body to display....
Look at Deng Xiao-ping -- he made wish to donate his body for medical use !

5. 香椿樹: Do not day dream that you would live better under Mao's regime. You would NOT be considered "left " enough based on Mao's " Continuing Revolution" theory. Therefore, you would be considered as "counter-rerolutionary element".

6. You graduated from university that was only made available after Deng Xiao-ping's policy.

7. If 毛澤東 is still alive, you would be in countryside to dig holes.. Shang(4) Shan(1) Xia(4) Xiao (1) .

7. My friend: Are you really missing 毛澤東金光大道 ? You really think Chinese people had happier life in Culture Revolution than now ?
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